
Women-Owned Business

Wakefield Thermal is proud to be recognized as a woman-owned business by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. Emily Heisley Stoeckel, owner and chairman of The Heico Companies, has 74 operating companies across the globe under her command. She proves that dedication to overcoming today’s challenges using commitment, hard work, and the desire to exceed expectations is what drives the company forward, using her strategic direction to advance the company toward growth and development.

Emily learned about the Women’s Business Enterprise, the WBE community, and its commitment to supporting women-owned businesses and decided to pursue certification. Emily was able to validate that at least 51-percent of the business is owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. After receiving approval from the WBENC, Wakefield Thermal received WBE certification.

Because of this WBE certification, Wakefield Thermal is able to show its commitment to offering platforms for innovation and partnerships while fostering diversity and driving economic competition. The company can find diverse suppliers from the WBE community by emphasizing a commitment to diversity, which can offer innovative solutions and long-term partnerships.

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